Why did you choose to home educate your child / children? The answer to this question will play a very vital role in shaping what and how you educate your kids.
There are lots of people home schooling today. Atheists are home schooling, Muslims are home schooling, Mormons are home schooling, Christians are home schooling, etc. However as a Born Again Christian, your reason for home schooling should be different from everyone else. Before we can even begin to home school, we ought to understand what our calling is in the Lord.
What kind of relationship do you want with the Lord? Do you want a very intimate relationship with God, the kind he had with people like Elijah, Elisha, Samuel, Joshua, Paul, etc. These people were mightily used by God not because they were special, but because they separated themselves unto the Lord, they spent a lot of time in the Word of God and in prayer.
Apostle Paul said in 2nd Tim.2:20 that in a house there are vessels unto honor and vessels unto dishonor, but if we can purge ourselves from worldliness, we will be vessels unto honor, fit for the Master’s use. We should always strive in our personal work with God to be vessels unto honor. Our desire as believers is to surrender our lives to Him, so that Jesus is not just our savior, but also our LORD. We should be willing to be set apart for the Masters' use.
Whether you are new to home education or already veteran remember to fix your eyes on the Lord at all times. Your mission as a home educator is not just to educate your kids, but also to sit at the master's feet so you can learn from Him also.
My mission as a home educator is to:
To Love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul and mind and to diligently teach the word of God to my children, and talk of it when we sit in the house, when we walk by the way, when we lie down and when we rise up. Deut.6:1-9
To understand that education
IS discipleship.
To understand that the center of my calling is to raise up godly seed, to teach them what the Bible teaches.
To understand that teaching my children are my delight, my joy, my opportunity.
To always remember that I am not only a teacher, but also a student. God who commands that I call Him Father is my teacher.
God Bless You.