I was listening to Moody radio some time ago as I was serving the kids lunch and Dennis Rainey of Family Life Today was on and he said something very interesting. He said "Do you know you have been hand selected by God to introduce each one of your children to him?"
Now, this is very interesting because not only are we chosen by God to raise our kids, we were "hand selected" to introduce them to God Almighty! It sure gives parenting a whole new meaning when you look at it that way. I will go a step further and say, not only where you hand selected by God to introduce each one of your children to Him, you were also hand selected to disciple them. This is one of the reasons I decided to educate my kids at home. So I can disciple them more effectively.
As we carry out this God given job of introducing our kids to God and discipling(making disciples of) them, let us remember that more is caught than taught. They will learn more from what they see us do and how we react to situations than what we tell them. In the daily devotional "Our Daily Bread" for Tuesday, September 12, 2005 here is how the writer talks about discipleship:
In the first century, a Jewish man who wanted to become a disciple of a rabbi (teacher) was expected to leave family and job to join his rabbi. They would live together 24 hours a day walking from place to place, teaching and learning, studying and working. They discussed and memorized the Scriptures and applied them to life.
The disciple's calling, as described in early Jewish writings about basic ethics, was to "cover himself in the dust of [the rabbi's] feet," drinking in his every word. He followed his rabbi so closely that he would "walk in his dust." In doing so, he became like the rabbi, his master.
Our calling is to disciple our kids by example. We are to do this by living together 24 hours a day walking from place to place, teaching, learning, studying, working together as well as discussing and memorizing the Scriptures and applying them to life.
God Bless You,